Dr Luis Medieros holding up a photo of Supreme Court Justice Joaquim Barbosa. |
Bloco Pacotão exibe faixa com referência às supostas regalias de presos do mensalão na penitenciária da Papuda...Note massive package shows range with reference to the alleged benefits of the monthly allowance of prisoners in the prison Papuda |
Foliões usam máscaras do ex-deputado José Genoino e do ex-presidente Lula ...Revelers wear masks of former Rep. Joseph Genoíno and former President Lula. |
Bloco "Pacotão, the most famous Carnaval Parade in all of Brasilia, brings their fun and humor to the locals of this fine city. Poking fun of local Politicians and Judges for the things they have done or said throughout the year. I believe this group got there start in the 1970s during the Military Dictatorship when the Military would pass Big Laws known as a "Pacotão, The Big Package. I guess Americans could call Obamacare a "Pacotão, a Massive Package in this case besides the big disaster that it is.