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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Its Been 13 Years

Obama Waiting for his Golf Cart to Arrive
America Bless God Today
The Border is Secure Your Safe to Pass Through Now.
Today marks the 13th anniversary of  9-11 the worst attack on American soil. Since then Muslims have made tremendous inroads into America. Some would also argue they have successfully infiltrated the American government and through Obama, he has weaken America and made it Anti Christian. But I believe there is still hope for America. The godly of the land those who have their hope in Jesus will win in the end and for those who have made government their god I can only pray for them to turn to the True and Living God Jesus Christ the hope of glory and The real Hope and Change of the USA.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chief Botocudo

Chief Botocudo in His Colorful Outfit
Well, I don't know his name but his face sure rings a bell. Chief Botocudo was kind enough to let me take a quick snap of him as he packing up and getting ready to leave. The chief was in town the help celebrate the 54th anniversary of Brasilia, back a few months ago. He told me if  I'm ever in Amazônia, to look him up. He said once you make to Amazônia, it just a five day boat ride to his house.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Flute & Drum

Seu Sérgio Playing  one of his many hand mdae flutes

Ana Lídia helping Dad out. 
Dad on the flute and youngest daughter on the drum. Probably two of the oldest instruments in the  world, the Flute and the Drum. Back in Genesis Chapter 4:21 the Bible mentions the first musician Jubal, was his name. He had a full time job making and playing instruments. As a musician I've always found it interesting that the Bible mentions the first musician on earth. Then all throughout the Bible we see how music was used to defeat the enemy and give glory to God. And still to this day music, if used properly (to worship God) can be a powerful force in your life to set you free and bring healing and peace into your life.